Sports Action Cameras

MyNerdShack's Best Sports Action Cameras
MyNerdShack's has dedicated itself to supplying a host of quality action cameras and HD video cameras to meet your every need and due to our considerable buying power we’re able to offer them at remarkable prices.
Cameras, especially action cams, are a growing part of our lives and help us capture those special once in a lifetime moments, whether it’s a baby’s first steps, the school play, a backwards flip on your BMX or a holiday at the seaside they are all moments you will want to treasure, share with friends and relive for years to come, thanks to this range of cameras you can.

Helmet Camera For Motorcycle, Ski and Bike
Helmet cameras are ideal for action sports, they come with at least one mounting and sometimes have as many as 3 or 4 specialized mounts so you’re not restricted to just strapping the camera to your helmet.
They are widely used to capture point of view events from cyclists, climbers, skydivers and any other sport where the participants wouldn’t have a free hand for filming. Most will come with some form of remote control so the user or a friend can operate the camera remotely.
HD Video Camera Quality Matters For A Sports Camera

When filming high action, fast pace sports, quality matters. If you want to enjoy your videos, share them with friends or even make your own production you need to invest in a HD video camera. Also try to get the largest sensor possible as this is just as important if not more so than the number of megapixels. If possible get a camera than can record high definition images at 60 frames per second (FPS) or more. The FPS helps with fast paced action and makes the video smoother produce a greater result that isn’t just a blur.

What's The Best Action Cameras / Camcorder?
The best action camera for one person wouldn’t necessarily be the best for everyone. If you’re looking for an action camera you need to really think about your requirements, how you will use the camera ? Where you will use it? Who will use it? If you’re shooting fast action sports then you need high frames per second capturing. Additionally if you’re filming on, in or near water you will want a waterproof camera. Finally if you’re recording while riding a bike or have your hands otherwise occupied you may need a helmet camera. However despite all of this one factor alone can make a big difference in video quality, and that is the sensor size. The size of sensor that a camera has ultimately determines how much light it uses to create an image.
Put simply, image sensors consist of millions of light-sensitive spots known as photo sites, these are used to record the information that's seen through the lens. The bigger the sensor the greater the number of photo sites and this equals more light and information which results in a better image. When it comes to camera sensors bigger is always better. Also don't underestimate the lens quality and angle it can capture at, its often overlooked when people are shopping for a good quality action cam.

Waterproof Video Camera For Liquid Fun
If you’re taking to the water then you need to make sure your action camcorder is well protected. You should get an action cam with a waterproof rating such as IP67 or IP68. Alternatively you will want to look at a camera that has a protective waterproof case so that you can ensure it’s protected when filming above or below the waves. There’s nothing worse than buying a great sports camera to have it ruined by water ingress. Get a good waterproof camera and you won’t have to worry while capturing footage away from land.